Relevant Experience

CRM Management/Referral management/Compliance management/ Listing Transaction Coordinator for Dream Team United from April 2022 – June 2024

Executive Assistant/ Transaction Coordinator for Carolina One Real Estate 2021

Transaction Coordinator for The Keith Merrel Team 2021

Admin Assistant / Transaction Coordinator for G AND A Investments LLC 2020

Recruitment Specialist for Real Estate Agents for REAL ASSIST PROS US 2019

Tools: Canva, Social Media Platform, Slack, Asana, Hootsuite, Buffer, Trello, Salesforce, Brivity CRM, Follow up Boss, KW command, Voice, Blipp, Connect Team app, Adobe Premiere Pro, Dotloop, Boomtown, Lion Desk CRM, KW command, MLS – Canopy, Home warranty App

Availability: Between 4AM – 9AM Pacific Standard Time










    Key Area of Expertise

    Executive Management

    Transaction Management

    Listing Management

    Lead Coordination

    Database Management

    Years of Real Estate Experience

    4 years

    Educational Background

    Information Technology

    States Supported


    Classified as an Experienced Talent in the real estate market. Exhibits high SC adaptive personality traits. Has a rare skill of being able to weigh both intuition and data in very skillful ways when making decisions. May tend to be a ‘worrier’ (in a positive way), giving thought and mind-share on projects even when away from the job. Likes to do things correctly the first time, so additional time may be needed in the short run, to prevent mistakes in the long run. Demonstrates excellent critical thinking ability. Shows a broad-based awareness of the political and economic implications of any decision that is made on behalf of the organization.

    DISC Summary

    Internet Speed Test

    Exceeds Expectations – 201.30 Mbps download and 248.67 Mbps upload for primary (PLDT) and 190.7 Mbps download and 8.64 Mbps upload for secondary

    Typing Test

    Exceeds Expectations -​ 33.03 WPM with 89.58% accuracy

    Desktop Specification

    Exceeds Expectations  – Intel Core i5 with 16GB RAM on Win11