Danielle Claire


Relevant Experience

Operations Support Specialist with Brivity VA  since January 2024 focusing on transaction and database management.

Real Estate Transaction Coordinator for Allen Edge from March 2020 to January 2021.

Real Estate Executive Assistant/ Property Management for Sentry Management for  February 2021 to August 2021.

Real Estate Transaction Coordinator/Executive Assistant/Social Media Management for Team Sur Real Estate from November 2021 to January 2023.

Real Estate Transaction Coordinator/ Executive Assistant for Empower Realty from  April 2023 to November 2023.

Tools Used:  Brivity, KW Command, TC Workflow, Asana, Notion, Mailchimp, Monday.com, Followup Boss, Brokerbay, Canva, Bombbomb









Key Area of Expertise

Executive Assistance

Social Media Management

Transaction Management

Property Management

Database Management

Years of Real Estate Experience

2 years 6 months

Educational Background

BS Information Technology

States Supported

US and Canada

Executive Summary

Classified as an Experienced Talent in the real estate. Exhibits high SC adaptive personality traits. Project decisions are made after careful consideration of all variables and inputs. This process may take a bit more time in the view of some others on the team, but the decision will be a quality outcome.  Extremely high sense of quality control and detail orientation in all you do for the team or
organization. Sets high performance standards for everyone, and expect all to meet those standards. Evaluates others on the job by their own use of procedures, standards, and quality action. Brings a high degree of competence in product and process knowledge. Takes calculated risk and educated risks only after a thoughtful analysis of the facts and data, and have analyzed options and potential outcomes. Persuades others on the team by careful attention to detail, and through facts, data, and logic, not emotion.

DISC Summary

Internet Speed Test

Exceeds Expectations 318 Mbps download and 202 Mbps Upload for primary connection (Converge) | 26  Mbps download  for secondary connection (DITO)

Typing Test

Exceeds Expectations – 42.01 WPM with 98.08 % accuracy

Desktop Specification

Exceeds Expectations – AMD Ryzen 5 3500U with Rydeaon Vega Graphics 2100 8Gb RAM Win 11