Relevant Experience

  • Operations Support Specialist with BrivityVA since March 2024 focusing on Listing Coordination, Social Media and Database Management
  • Client Success Coordinator for TurnKey Marketing from June 2023 to Jan.2024
  • Lead Generation Specialist for Main Street Associates LLC from  June 2023 to September 2023
  • Assistant Social Media Manager JB Marketing Lead February 2023 to May 2023
  • Executive Assistant for Mr. I.G. from August 2022 to November 2022
  • Freealance VA with Upwork from October 2019 to December 2023

Tools used: Microsoft office, Spreadsheet, Google Business, Skype, Telegram, Zoom, Salesforce Cloud, Trello, Dropbox, Social Media Platforms, Canva, Piktochart, YouCut, Capcut









Key Area of Expertise

Executive Assistance

Listing Management

Social Media Management

Graphic Design

Lead Coordination

Database Management

Years of Real Estate Experience

1 year

Educational Background


States Supported


Executive Summary

Classified as an Aspiring Talent in the real estate market. Exhibits high ISC adaptive personality traits. She sets high quality control standards, for herself and others, in order to minimize mistakes. Places importance on having accurate data on which to make decisions. She is motivated to demonstrate a high degree of quality control awareness in all projects and processes. She has a rare skill of being able to weigh both intuition and data in very skillful ways when making decisions. Tends to be most effective in a work culture where conflicts are kept to a minimum.

DISC Summary

Internet Speed Test

Exceeds Expectations – 212.25 Mbps download and 127.03 Mbps Upload for Primary (Smart) and 44.95 Mbps download and 21.27 Mbps upload for secondary (Parasat)

Typing Test

Exceeds Expectations -​ 40.86WPM with 100% accuracy  

Desktop Specification

Exceeds Expectations – Intel Core i5 with 16GB RAM on Win10